9 Simple Ways to Save Money

Saving money requires conscious effort to achieve. It’s an important decision to take towards attaining a financial goal.

Here are some tips on ways to save money like a pro.

1. Track your expenses. When I decided to save money, the first step I took was to track all my expenses. Both daily, monthly, and some that come up once in a few months with pencil and paper. You can use an app for this purpose, and some bank apps have the option. At the end of the month, I could tell how much I spent and how much I can send to my savings account.

2. Save an emergency fund. The best place to start is by saving money for unforeseen circumstances. At least $450. It should be kept where it can easily be assessed when emergency calls. It should not be invested.

3. Set an automatic transfer of income to your savings. If you have decided to save $100 let it automatically be sent to your saving, so it can be out of sight. Most banks offer these services, and make good use of them.

4. Send your change to your savings. When you buy with cash, keep the change together in place and send it to your savings account You will be surprised how much it will be at the end of one month, then multiply it by 12 months, which will be some cool cash.

5. Reduce how much you eat out. The good thing about the internet is you can find any recipe of your choice. Make some food at home. For instance, if you spend $100 per month eating out, you can start by reducing it to $50 and add the remaining $50 to your savings. Pack meal to work. Planning ahead will help you achieve this.

Saving money

6. Make it a habit to buy your needs other than your wants. If you want to save money, separating your need from your want is a must. Discipline yourself to overlook want. Going through an app store? Add to the wish list and wait for at least 24 hours before your order. That will give you time to decide if it is a need or want.

7. Set a savings goal. Start with a short time savings goal and let it be a realistic one. How much do you want to save in one to two months? How many percent of your paycheck is that? These are questions you have to answer. Saving for a longer-term (6 months to 1 year) will be easier. When you conquer the first two months, you will look forward to doing it again.

8. Pay cash for your needs. Take a bold step of reducing the use of credit cards as much as possible. Using it is only increasing your debt ( if you don’t pay it off at the right time). Focusing on mortgages will make the financial burden less. Saving money will be difficult if you have lots of debts.

9. Do simple tasks by yourself. Most simple tasks can be done if you take the courage to try. When I gave birth to my daughter was when I tried making hair for the first time, and it keeps getting better. Watch some video tutorials on any task you want to try. Add the money to your savings.

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